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What Should You Let Your Daughter Wear? (Part 1) Times are changing and immodesty is becoming the norm. Yet, what should be the norm in your family?
10 Tips for Accountability Partners Here’s how to pick the best accountability partner, and make the most of your time with her!
Why Moms Need to Take a Chill Pill We moms get uptight far too easily. But God’s word beckons us to calmly carry on, regardless of what’s going on.
Dress to Impress Modesty is good. But putting effort into being attractive may be more biblical than you realize.
5 Resolutions for Moms of Daughters Want to be a better mom? Want to invest better in your daughter? Here are 5 ways to improve your relationship and increase your impact in her life.
What Every Husband Wants (Part 1) I think I’ve discovered the secret to being an awesome wife! Read on to find out… (Part 1 of 3)
The 10 Minute Routine Every Mom Needs For moms of young kids, those moments after walking in the door can be extremely crazy ones. Here is a routine that will transform the chaos into order and intentionality.
The Hidden Danger of Facebook As we scroll through the hundreds of posts on our newsfeed, we may succumb to a hazardous habit. It’s good to be aware of it, and I’ve included a few ways to avoid this particular pitfall of Facebook.
Enjoy Every Stage of Motherhood Encouragement to not look ahead (or look back) longing for a different season of motherhood – instead we should savor the one we are in right now.
Be a Fun Wife! Here’s a couple ways to tell if you need to loosen up a little and enjoy some fun with your husband. And in case you are not sure, I’ll prove to you this is a biblical pursuit.
Articles published elsewhere:
Confessions of an Unsaved Christian (on Desiring God) After years of looking like a Christian, talking like a Christian, and doing ministry as a “Christian,” I finally saw my desperate need for a Savior.
The List Every Mom Should Make (on Desiring God) God’s unfailing faithfulness will only give us the comfort we need if we have eyes to see his grace when it comes, and remember it when it’s past.
A (Not So) Revolutionary Strategy for Great Quiet Times (at The Gospel Coalition) If you want to have great quiet times, just start having quiet times.
The Permission Slip of Suffering (on Desiring God) The story of Adoniram and Ann Judson reminds us to willingly submit to God’s plan, even when it means our children will be running into danger.
Don’t Hold Loved Ones Back from God (on Desiring God) This world needs more courageous women like Mary Mueller (wife to the well-known George Mueller)–We need people who entrust their loved ones to God and don’t hold them back from costly obedience.
Don’t Trust in Your Christianity (at the Gospel Coalition) Unless our head knowledge shifts to life-altering trust, it’s not biblical Christianity. And it took me quite a while to figure that out.