“How much should we shelter our kids?” I am pretty sure this is a question every parent has asked at some point in the last few…
Are You a Tired Mom?
Moms come to expect long tiring days, especially during those years when the kids are young.
Each day involves feeding little faces, wiping up little faces, and changing tons of diapers. Then there’s bathing children, clothing them, running after them, consoling them, warning them, disciplining them, and caring for them.
And that is just a description of the typical day. Sometimes normal tiring days turn in to exponentially more tiring days. Like when kids are sick and grumpy, or the house is extra dirty, or everyone is a little on edge, or the schedule is jam-packed.
Needless to say, young moms don’t have a lot of spare time, energy, or peppiness just hanging around. In fact, by about 3:00 pm it’s easy to think, “I have nothing left to give!”
Are You at Your End?
You may feel fully depleted at 3:00pm, but being that God often has more for you to do, you do have more to give. Reason being, God always provides everything we need, to do everything he calls us to do.
For example, God will always …
- help us be the kind of wife we still need to be at the end of each day (Proverbs 19:14).
- give us the ability to be a good “neighbor” to those we come in contact with (Mark 12:31).
- provide strength to serve faithfully at church (1 Peter 4:11).
- give us energy to look past our personal troubles to meet other people’s needs (Philippians 2:4).
In summary: Though it may be hard, if there is more we need to do, God will give us all the strength we need–even after our kids have sucked the life out of us!
Desperate Dependence
1 Peter 4:11 says,
whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.
This passage is referencing our service at church; but realistically, we shouldn’t serve in any capacity (even domestically) being dependent on our own power. If truth be told, we couldn’t pull it all off (in a godly manner) without God empowering us. But thankfully, he says he will.
Not only that, when we admit we can’t do everything on our own, God gets the glory. We lay no claim to credit because we know it had to be God! And that’s exactly what God is looking for — for people who recognize their weakness and rely on him, showcasing his great power, not their own.
Practically speaking, this means we depend on God moment by moment every second of the day. We start our day with prayer, we go about our day asking for his help, and we cry out to him when we feel like we can’t keep going…and then, we keep going. Because when we are at our end, we know he is not.
If God has given us a task, if he has given us people to love, or needs to meet, he will supply everything we need – all energy, strength, and ability to accomplish it to his glory.
Today, let your limits lead you to more prayer, and more dependence on the God of unlimited strength!God always provides everything we need, to do everything he calls us to do. Share on X