“How much should we shelter our kids?” I am pretty sure this is a question every parent has asked at some point in the last few…
Help Your Kids Think Deeply About Christianity
Some kids have all kinds of questions about Christianity. Some simply believe everything they hear. But realistically, all kids will face big questions eventually— whether their own, or questions posed from others. And because of that, we need to help our kids think deeply and clearly.
In fact, I’m sure you agree it would be better if we helped our kids think critically about matters of faith while they are still under our care, rather than them eventually having to figure it out on their own (with whatever influences happen to be around them).
With that said, here are some ways we can proactively help our kids think more deeply about matters of faith…
Help Your Kids Ask Hard Questions
The first thing we need to do is help our kids think intelligently and logically. They may be content to go along with all you say is true, for now. But if we want their faith grounded in truth and reality for the long haul, we need to make sure they are really thinking through what is true and real.
Nowadays, sadly, truth is whatever you feel is true. We need to help our kids move beyond such immature thinking. Help them ask good questions, like: Why do we know the Bible is from God? Or how do we know God created us? How do we know Jesus is who he said he was?
Eventually they will need to have answers to such questions. If not for themselves, for those they seek to share the truth with. So even if you feel like you are introducing questions they didn’t already have, know that this level of thinking needs to happen eventually. So at an age-appropriate level — dig in there with them and help them think through why Christianity is reasonable and logical.
Help Your Kids Find Solid Answers
When your kids start asking questions like, ”How do I know this is true?” — don’t let them merely take your word for it. Praise God you have a good thinker on your hands, and help them figure out the answers.
In the end, if Christianity is true, there will be good answers to be found. So take the time to do the research with them, read good books together, and seek out wise teachers if needed.
Remember you are also wanting to teach them how to go through the process of finding their own answers (so they can one day do this successfully without you). So make sure to involve them in the process.
Don’t Hold Weak Arguments
At times my kids have come up with some “proof” for God that convinces them he’s real. And let’s just say sometimes it’s not the most fool-proof argument. While I appreciate their deepening reflections on the evidence of God, I don’t want their faith built on weak arguments that will one day fall apart anyway — and so, if the timing is right, I will often take that conversation a level deeper. In an encouraging tone I’ll help them see why their “evidence” isn’t as strong as they might think.
Put it this way: at times your job might be to play the “devil’s advocate” (although thats a terrible term!). This strategy can be used to help them think harder before automatically accepting something as true.
We should be picturing our kids as young adults. When they are out in the world, we don’t want them shocked by secular arguments (and then spiritually rocked). We want them well educated, clear thinkers, who can reason intelligently and confidently.
Value Truth over Experiences
We need to emphasize truth in our homes. We believe in Christ because he’s real. He was a real man in history who came and did something amazing. We have good reasons to believe the Bible is from God. We have good reasons to believe Jesus rose from the grave.
All that to say, we don’t choose Jesus because of how he makes us feel, or because of the meaningful experiences he provides, or because he fills an emotional void. In today’s day feelings are a guiding force among young people, and this is a dangerous trend. If our children are motivated by feelings, it’s quite possible a new set of feelings and experiences will eventually lure them away.
Let’s speak often about verifiable truth. About history and science and evidence and that which can be observed and tested. Steer clear of too much fluff and emotionalism. Yes, emotions are important and relevant. But they don’t determine truth. Truth is true for all times and all people — let’s seek that out, find it, and hold on to it tightly in our homes.
Keep Fighting for The Truth
There is certainly more that could be said about this topic. There are books and podcasts and articles and all types of resources that help us train our children to think critically. But here’s the bottom line: let’s keep fighting for the truth. Our kids need it now more than ever as worldly deception heads from bad to worse (2 Timothy 3:13).
So let’s faithfully teach our kids. Let’s keep conversing. And most of all, let’s keep praying. Let’s pray God embeds the truth in our kids’ hearts and helps them grow to intelligently represent the truth in our darkening world.